Tuesday, August 9, 2011

We are worried of what may happen next.

Recently a number of people have been killed by lightening while others were seriously injured here in Uganda. The most affected group are the children especially while at school, though there are some adults that have been victims, too. One of the schools lost more than 19 pupils and amongst them a family lost their only four children in the same incident which was so sad. It is a serious situation that we cannot easily avoid and it is all over the country.
There has been different topics about the lightening, teaching people on how to avoid it. Among the ways of avoiding lightening, it is only putting on shoes whenever it is about to rain or it is raining that CMU can afford per say, apart from that others are not yet practical. Even the one for wearing shoes works only, when they are not sleeping because they cannot sleep with shoes on. So far the most effective one is having the Lightening arresters installed on all the buildings which is not yet on our budget especially that the costs of living are higher than before.
We are praying that God will make a way for us to have these children and ourselves lives in a safer place.
God bless the work of your hands.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

We are affected by the inflation and the scarcity in the Uganda's economy.

We are going through hardships and financial constraints due to the increase in prices for all the goods and services.
Uganda has been affected by drought and hailstorms that spoiled most of the food crops which most people depend on. Because of that and many other reasons, the food prices went high and other services also hiked the prices. So far in a period of 6 months, most items prices have doubled if not trippled. The item's price can increase by 20% in one night which is so high.
The Uganda currency has lost value to the extent that we are almost spending the biggest percentage of the CMU funds on feeding children. For that matter we find ourselves having pending bills that are not paid.
We are trying gardening which we believe will be of help in the near future if all conditions remain favorable.
We pray that God will see us and Uganda as a country through this situation.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Freundes- und Patentag

Am 23. Juli fand unser Freundes- und Patentag statt. Pastor Mwase sprach morgens ueber die Geschichte von David und Goliath und wie Gott, das was in unseren menschlichen Augen unmoeglich erscheint, moeglich machen kann. Danach gab er einen ausfuehrlichen Bericht ueber CMU Uganda. Pastor Mwase ist der Sekretaer des ugandischen Vereins CMU und mitverantwortliche fuer das Geschehen im CMU Kinderheim.
Nachmittags wurde ein Dokumentarfilm ueber die Arbeit von CMU gezeigt und verschiedene Kurzzeitler, berichteten ueber ihre Eindruecke in Uganda.
Wir sind dankbar fuer diesen Tag und dass viele sich auf den Weg gemacht haben, um nach Rohrdorf zu kommen.

On 23rd July we had our Friends- and Sponsorsday in Germany, Rohrdorf. In the morning Pastor Mwase preached about the story of David and Goliath and how God makes possible what seems to be impossible through our human eye. After that he gave a detailed report about CMU Uganda. Pastor Mwase is the secretary of the ugandan NGO CMU and therefore also responsible about the happenings in CMU children's home.
In the afternoon we watched the new CMU documentary and several short termers and visitors gave their impressions about their work and stay in Uganda.
We are grateful for this day and that so many came to Rohrdorf to join us on this occassion.