Friday, January 8, 2010


On 17th December 2009, all the staff members apart from the farm worker and the watchman got their Christmas holiday. Some of them left the station the next day to their home villages while others stayed at the station.

Everything was expensive to the extent that the transport charges for most of the places from the city were tripled. Though people had to meet those expenses in order to have the holiday with their families. Most of the staff members are saying the holiday was very good especially those that went to their home villages. However, to some of the staff it was a difficult moment that they went through. On 23rd December 2009, the farm worker robbed many things from the station and broke into one of the staff member’s house where he stole his house hold property and disappeared that same evening.

Some of the property he stole from the mission includes all the children’s bicycles with their pressure pumps, money from the chicken project and a few children’s beddings.

This made us fail to enjoy our holiday fully because we had to follow up the case, report to the police and looking for him from the place where he came from. The police has not yet found him but we pray that he will be found and maybe we may recover some of our property. Please pray with us as we go through this time. Otherwise God has given us a gift of life and we pray that we will live according to his will.

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