Monday, May 18, 2020

Bilder unserer Arbeit / Pictures of our Work

Ein paar Eindrücke von unserer Arbeit während "normalen" Zeiten. Zur Zeit sind die Schulen und Unis auch geschlossen und die Kinder zuhause.

A few pictures of our work during "normal" times. Presently all schools and unis are also closed and the children are at home.

Schulbesuche / School Visits

Hausbesuche / Home Visits

Medizinische Versorgung / Medical Care

Versorgung mit Schulsachen / Supply of Scholastic Materials

Unterstützung der Familien durch das Farmprojekt / Support of the Families Through the Farm Project

Danken möchten wir allen Sponsoren und Paten der Kinder die Monat für Monat die Kinder und die Arbeit von CMU treu unterstützen! Gottes Segen weiterhin! 

We would like to thank all sponsors of our children who every month faithfully support the children and our work!

Monday, October 9, 2017

CMU Kids Conferences

It's always an encouraging time when our beneficiaries come together for a few days and enjoy each others fellowship, listen to the Word of God and have fun together.

Unsere Schützlinge haben immer eine gute, ermutigende Zeit miteinander, wenn sie bei einer Freizeit zusammen sind. Für ein paar Tage geniessen sie die Gemeinschaft untereinander, Gemeinschaft unter Gottes Wort und haben Spass miteinander.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Vocational Training / Berufsschule

Frank doing a course in brick laying and concrete practice:
Frank lernt Maurer:

Posian training as plumber:
Posian lernt Wasserinstallateur:

Looking for more sponsors! / Paten gesucht!

We are urgently looking for more sponsors to support our students in university and vocational training schools for only 1 to 3 years. 40 Euros or 150.000 UGX per month would help one of these students to finish their ecucation.

Dringend suchen wir mehr Paten besonders für unsere Studenten und Berufsschüler für einen Zeitraum von 1 bis 3 Jahren. Mit 40 Euro pro Monat wäre geholfen, dass diese Studenten ihre Ausbildung vollends abschliessen können.

Our contact/ Kontaktmail:  

Zulemu's Graduation / Zulemu's Absolvierungsfeier

In February finally even Zulemu had her graduation at Makerere University followed by a celebration at her home. Congratulations!

Im Februar hatte Zulemu nun endlich auch ihre Absolvierungsfeier in der Makerere Universität und anschliessend eine Feier bei ihr zuhause. Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

Friday, January 27, 2017

Monday, January 2, 2017

CMU Christmas Party/ Weihnachtsfeier 2016:

1. Bis hierher hat mich Gott gebracht
durch seine große Güte,
bis hierher hat er Tag und Nacht
bewahrt Herz und Gemüte,
bis hierher hat er mich geleit',
bis hierher hat er mich erfreut,
bis hierher mir geholfen.

2. Hab Lob und Ehr, hab Preis und Dank
für die bisher'ge Treue,
die du, o Gott, mir lebenslang
bewiesen täglich neue.
In mein Gedächtnis schreib ich an:
Der Herr hat Großes mir getan,
bis hierher mir geholfen.

3. Hilf fernerhin, mein treuster Hort,
hilf mir zu allen Stunden.
Hilf mir an all und jedem Ort,
hilf mir durch Jesu Wunden.
Damit sag ich bis in den Tod:
Durch Christi Blut hilft mir mein Gott;
er hilft, wie er geholfen.

Mit diesem alten Lied möchten wir alle Freunde und Unterstützer zum neuen Jahr grüßen und von Herzen Danke sagen für die Verbundenheit. Gottes Segen fürs neue Jahr!

Friday, March 13, 2015


Dear members, sponsors, stakeholders and well wisher!
I greet you in the name of our lord Jesus Christ! It has been a while since we last communicated.
We had our three children Graduate from the University in December as well as January this year.
Agnes graduated with a diploma in social work and social Development, Sarah graduated with a bachelors degree in Social sciences and Florence graduated with a bachelors degree in statistics. This is a grate achievement to CMU since it was established in 2002.
Apart from the above children, other four children have finished their certificate courses and they are awaiting graduation which will take place soon.

Mean while our two senior six candidates passed their exams and they are also waiting to join the other two girls at the university. Among these two we have our first boy to join university from the first bunch of the children that CMU begun with. We are so excited to see him join the University.
Still on education we have three other children that we have hopes in that they will join University next year because they are doing their senior six this 2015.

More other children have joined advanced level while others are in their candidate classes waiting to join other level levels of education.   At least every child was able to go to another class if not another level.

The mission is doing well, Children have good health and the discipline is also good, Thanks to the great team that is working so hard to reach this.
We are very grateful to God for this success and to the sponsors and other supporters, May God continue to bless you.
We say Ebenezer. 

Thursday, August 21, 2014


She traveled to Germany almost a month ago and she reached safely. Glory be to God for his safety and protection.
Thanks for the good reception and the way you have kept her for all this time she is there on official duties. she will be returning to CMU soon and we are praying for journey mercies and protection.
Mummy thanks for mothering so many in Uganda, young and old and Am sure it is not only in Uganda that you have mothered, even other countries have enjoyed your motherly love God bless you sooo.... much.
For you sponsors, most children are looking up on you and they treasure you so much that they want to know what is happening to you all the time. If you get any opportunity allow your child to have a oersonal relationship with you.
You are your child's prayer request every day especially during the CMU prayer time. Your little angel remembers to pray for you all the time.
Stay blessed.